hi, i want to introduce
someone, he is Mr. Bearcy. he
will hook you guys for the
carrd this time.

[[say "hi" please?]]

so I have 4 gummy bear who will show
you around, and their respective
tasks will be different.

p.s. each of them has a mission
that you must complete, good luck dear.

so now u click on pink gummy bear, her name is pinkgum!!
the such a cutie gummy.

fyi; i put that because banana milk is
pinkgum's favorite drink

she will introduce about the owner of this account!!

the name of this girl is malika but—
u can just call her mal tho!

she was born in 2007, may 8. her mbti is esft-p.
she uses bahasa and broken english.

p.s .you have to memorize her line, okay? because she's easy
to trigger when someone called her "kak" but

apparently they are older than her ><

mal mostly use gw-lu but aku-kamu also often used by her, so? i don't know what her mean tho;

she's also uses jmetz's typing,, but sometimes
she will become a soft moots, ew.

mal really tweet a lot about averything. if you don't like it, please bub her or you can reprimand her
through direct message.

you can also meet her at . . .

eum... i'm sorry but we can't have your first mission for this section, because my card was limit lmao.
just tap the second gummy and you will get your fisrst but second mission. good luck.

so now u click on purple gummy bear, her name is purgum!!
the such a pretty gummy.

fyi; i put that because stawberry milk is
purgum's favorite drink

she will tells you everything you need to know
if you aren't yet mutual with mal !!

# byf !

i just want to tell you that this account is a fan account, so mal often talks about her idol... but— she also often talks about anything whether it's important or not, the point is she is very noisy.

sorry to say but— her account was kinda selective and also personal account are not allowed in here.

# dfi !

dont follow mal if u're racist, closed minded abt everything, mputjen, fanatic fans, also often ignore to mal, and and if you hate someone easily.

ofc don't follow mal if you don't wanna interact with her.

and this kind of person that :
never give a warning to any of your posts that can make other people feel annoyed.

if you are one of them, i'm so so sorry mal can't
be ur mutual... but if you want to change,
come here and mal will help you ^^

hm... for this section the mission will be more difficult— okay are you ready for your first but second mission?!

hint ; stands for "before you follow"
((i know u know it, then go click there))

wellcome to gumission


these are some of the things you should memorize.

first one— this is a common but important thing for mal... it is "2007" or "kak" please,, remember that mal is 07liner so don't ever you call her "kak" especially if you are older than her.

not because she wanted to be seen as young, but she was afraid of being rude to older people

second one— is please give a trigger warning if you post something like food or drink and mal has Ophidiophobia ((phobia of snakes)) and Ranidaphobia ((phobia of frogs)) and reptil like crocodiles !!

so if you post something like that,
please... give "tw" or "cw" !!

last one— always remember mal loves you.
if you want to tell anything with mal, just tell it okay? you are not alone. i love you.

so now u click on yellow gummy bear, her name is yellgum!! the cleverest gum.

fyi; yeah, i put that because orange milk is
yellgum's favorite drink

she will tells you all group that mal's stan !!

istg why this section was so long...
anw, for this mission it could be called like a game
okay are you ready for your third mission?!

hint ; yellgum's favorite drink
((ahahaha its too easy right?, then go click there))

so now u click on orange gummy bear, his name is rangegum!! he is a source of happiness...

"wait, hold on, why the picture isn't a rangegum's favorite drink? hm suspicious"

hey hey hey don't be like that. i gonna tell you that this gummy bear is different. the source of his strength is love, yes. so please give him love okay?

so now he's gonna tell you what's the source of the happiness of mal !!

mal's source happiness
aneen istri bangchan for real for sure 100%— lula anak eric tapi naksir sunwoo— umayy penumpang kapal Hanmayy— Tiara adiknya deobo kesayangan sunu yg ga setuju fantatnya kelap kelip— odel jodohnya bangchan valid no debat besok nikah— araa sayangnya juyeon— Rara cangtip jodoh hanjis— rara jodoh felix pacar sunwoo— Gita jodoh jaepilsungwoonbrian— diraaa jdh hyunjin— kkyu cantik pacar jisung— caca jodoh baekhyun— ven loves sangyeon— jura jdoh mark lee— jel soulmate kak sangyeon— nana juyeon till jannah— adah jdoh hanjis— Rell cangtip wife nya kevin semandung semandung cingtahhh— Yessy pcr Johnny jodoh changbin— nishuw jdoh ayen hangyul— amelia adenya bangchan— sha istri sah ny all memb tbz— cia pacar kak kyu jodoh wonjin— Bitaa pacarnya jisung istrinya Chan— Winter jodoh jeongin— Nisa pacar Felix— Muthi jodoh sangyeon— Dami jodoh seongminho— cici anis yg kalem— jol jodoh jaemin sunwoo eunsang— Nana bucin sunew garis keras— Lui jodoh nya hyunjae pacar nya sunwoo bucin eric— mika seungmin till jannah— hanah pacarnya kak chan dan kak abin— Rik punya lix ato kl nggk yongrik— dian jodo nana han— lin soptie pcar hanjis— rara jodoh kevin tapi anaknya newmoon— Bila pacar caminnn— tata pacarnya sunwoo n juyeon— Ninik Renjun's soulmate— nay pacar lino— ola sdh ad pawang nmany chanhee— yura pacar seungmin— Khai jodoh Lee Know pacar doyoung— firaa sayangnya sangyeon— fa pacar sunwoo jodoh kevin, Lina bucin ny Sunwoo— Li jdoh hyunjae— Lia jodohnya ji changmin— uzri masa depan changmin— bella loves sunwoo— kia's soulmates jihoon— adys sopt adenya lino— Nadesssaayaanggg— ell jodoh hanjis— Nanad pacar jaehyun jodoh jeno— Fafa pacar juyeon— lom pcar.a lino— kia jdoh chanhee— nab jodoh jaehyun— ketan jodoh sah nya hyunjae— caca cngtip jdoh hyunjin gmtnk tink— rey cngtip jdoh mark lee— Nov love tbz— Zara fcar ayen— imma jodoh haechan pacar sunwoo istri kiming— sarah gf juyeon— nays prinses hanjis— dys jodoh hyunjin— nadin cntip pcr sunu gamtenk— sell jodoh han jisung— Cynt istri juy— chrisnaf— nad jodohnya hanjis— sansa jodoh bangchan— zora loves lino— rara adeknya kevin— jina jodoh kevin— Riz soft punya lino— nyonya lee tata yaya cangtip adik changmin— el jodohnya jeongin— Nadiaaa jodoh lino secara nyata di depan mata no hoax— Kasa cngtip— dinda soptie jdoh ayen— nan jodoh ayeeeen— vera cakep jodoh sunwoo anak jumil— skyla aja— Liya cgtps adenya echan— Via sayang kak changmin— oca jodoh ot23— jojo eric anti karam— Ifa pacar kelima sunwoo— Rara jodoh Hyunjae adeknya Haknyeon Chanhee— des masdep felix— vina jdoh lino— myoui moon—

mal's big source happiness
bella jodoh younghoon— anna pacar jacob— anna jodoh felix anna pacar jacob— dara cangtip loves hyunjaeeee muah— berry adeknya bangchan— Sya jodoh han— ketrin butuh moment sangnyu tp cani pcar ketrin— Nono ckep jdoh ino ino ckep jdoh nono nono nono lalala lili sahabat dasyat— Nayy jdoh juyeon hyunjin pacar kino— monsieur roy— maca bunanya hakkie dongie— jeje cntik bgt pcrnya ka changmin— ael nyamuknya banginho— clau loves juyeon— Dins kesayangan jacob— dec sayang sunwoo pake banget— rey jodoh hyunjin pacar lino simpenan han— lala jodohnya kim sunwoo fix— nadun # no 1 jumil massive thinker— liza kekasih eric— fafa cantik bidadari jodoh eric sah sah— vioo punya seungmo— jumil kesayangan nya putri aw— Tikun pacar chanhee— nora jdoh johnny adik mas taeil— noha jo— red suka tbz— Chanic best couple— araa sayangnya juyeon— sha sepupuny jaehyun johnny— ressya soptie jodoh kak changmin— Sunwoo jodoh wangseu— jesi kece pcar hanjisung ok klo ada yg ngelak brarti gk kece— jalpa cangtip pacar hajee— dela jodoh changmin— chaca pacar lino— marsya anak jumil— mia adik changmin— Ked jodoh hanjis— Ellen pacar Mark— Ica jdoh lino— veichu cantik jodoh bangchan— Jelly jodoh eric— sher syg tbz— Dev maspan bangchan— audy milik changmin— ren jdoh hanjis— Pina jodoh unje— athi bneran jdoh younghoon— Ellen pacar Mark— Shalino— alya itzy pacar juyeon lucas hyunjin— rere jodoh sunric— tir jodoh kevin yang cantik tiada tara— Yori no juyeon no lyfe — met jodoh juyeon selingkuhannya jacob— sya ksayangan minhee buna.a chanhee istri.a jay— Keenan 2hyunist— chellu punya bbang— ramyun pete— Nisahwall— nilo yang kecanduan lino dan 3ekor sodaranya— Raa lumba lumba sayangnya mall dan juga jodoh felix— fel mnies— Ripa cngtip jdoh younghoon fix no debat— jia sayang mal— piyu lee anak jumil tp aypih jumil cupaps jd piyu lee anak sangnew—

“ekhem, this with rangegum— hi? i hope you all doing well... That was the name of someone who is very dear to Mal but don't be sad if your name is not mentioned there, because Mal still loves you, really.

Mal was very grateful to be friends with all of you, even though we never met but this all feels real,

if you are happy then mal will be happy too, if you are sad then mal will be sad too, if you are sick then mal will also be sick. but if you lie with yourself, she knows it. whatever you experience, please tell her okay?

really, mal loves you more than you expect. thank you very much, as much. because you guys want to be friends with her. and mal said that you guys have become part of the best story of Mal's life. once again, thankyou.

oh ya! if you wanna said something secretly, here's link for mal's secreto. please be honest, if you uncomfortable with mal, just say it.”

# # hi sender


hm okay we're on the last but not least mission...

hint ; just tap this gif and you must
complete this mission carefuly okay?

here you are....
last gumission

"wait, what? why blank? or you put wrong pics? just why?"

no no no, I ain't put wrong pics, yeah I put a blank pics just because if you look carefully at the photo there is a shadow or reflection of you, right? try to look carefully first ...

"but why?"

I wanted to tell you that ada yang belum mandi tuh hehe, just kidding, peace ^^

okay serious this time, because I want to show you that there are people who are needed and loved. there are people who make someone happy.

yes, you are the one.

your life is important and meaningful.

it's okay to feel pain and sadness. of course feel tired is okay too. you don't have to be the best. because you are extraordinary and perfect to yourself, and it does not require the approval of anyone but yourself.

you are great! You have trough a very long and difficult journey. i'm so proud of you !!

but please don't be too hard on yourself ya? don't forget to rest, even robots need to rest especially humans. if you are tired, look for things that distract you. tell to someone ya please? just telling someone is something that makes you relieved. if you are angry don't hurt yourself okay? please I beg you. promise yourself.

((hold on I cry while write all this...))

anw don't forget to eat lots of healthy foods, also drink lots of water, and the most important thing is to love yourself.
you have to believe in yourself.

be happy, you deserve to be happy.

now it's time for you to…